

My first impression was WOW, the helmet cover got my attention on the first look, yes its the best helmet cover @OneTigris produced so far THE BEST!
Big improvement in materials and design, its a great quality cover, love the multicam pattern and its all over the helmet!


Needs some times to mount it perfectly on the helmet ( but youll need to have some velcro on the INSIDE of the helmet to attach the straps at least on the front, because there is no way to fix the front part without it.. or if you have the helmet forehead pads maybe you can pull the straps behind it and it will work - the rest can be attached on the velcro theat usually comes on the helmet (sides and back).
I didnt use the back straps at all, just sticked it to my helmet back velcro, because the helmet cover in the inner part have 3 velcro (on the side and back).

I would recommend the installation starting from the front to the back, because i found it much easier this way and youll cover will sit perfectly on your helmet.


The cover have many velcro on it so you can place your patch literally in every place you want, i really like that.
Bungee cords are also great as a retention for your acessories you mount on your helmet like the Hel Star, MS2000 ecc..
Also the are loops on the front and the back of both side for set up the cables of your camera, powerbank, NV so they dont get on your way and maybe attach/ lean to some branches in the forest..
On the back we have a big velcro ( 7,50cm x 10,5cm ) for attaching a BATTERY or COUNTERWEIGHT POUCH (more detail on it below..)


1. A little bit tricky to mount it on the helmet (but most of this cover type have the same "problem") but once you mount it will be there forever :)
2. Not a disadvantage but my personal pick would be the velcro or some of the outside velcro was in multicam also (but thats my personal taste)
3. On the back is a velcro to attach the battery pouch which isnt enough to hold a weight of some standard 10x5cm powerbank or something with some weight.. i try to jump few times and fall off.. So in the forest you could lose the pouch with the powerbank ecc..
I would make a better strap or retention to hold the pouch..
4. The same problem happen when you want to open your pouch and if you do it when its on your head happen that trying to open the pouch you pull all togheter off because the closing velcro is more stronger then the one that keeps the pouch attached to the helmet.

The battery pouch is around 9cm x 13cm.
Really well made and not so big so you wont have a bulky pouch on your head.
The material is great and the pouch is well made, the only think i dont like about the design its the big velcro on the back i would like to see more multicam and the velcro should be the size of this patch in the photo.. or replace this velcro with a multicam one.



This pouch can be a battery pouch but only for powerbanks and bigger battery..

I dont like you left the opening between the elastic straps so i cant bring with me battery AA AAA for my headset, flashlight ecc..
But you can carry your powerbank with no problem..
Also some other tools and stuff you can find useful on the field but not small stuff they will just fall out the holes.

I would close the pouch fully, all around you can use some elastic material thats great if some have some thicker powerbank...
Maybe also you could add an insert so people can carry their smaller battery inside:


Size its great and its well made, love the idea but need some improvement

1. Smaller velcro for patch or make it in multicam velcro (my personal opinion)

2. Close the pouch fully around with some elastic material, this way people cant hold smaller battery or item because they will fall out, make a battery holder removable insert for the pouch.

3. On the back is a velcro to attach the battery pouch which isnt enough to hold a weight of some standard 10x5cm powerbank or something with some weight.. i try to jump few times and fall off.. So in the forest you could lose the pouch with the powerbank ecc..
I would make a better strap or retention to hold the pouch.

4. The same problem happen when you want to open your pouch and if you do it when its on your head happen that trying to open the pouch you pull all togheter off because the closing velcro is more stronger then the one that keeps the pouch attached to the helmet.

Credit: @hamzasarajlic_, 1TG


For starters my friends and other people commented on the cover on the design colour and look and were happy enough to of brought 1 if they had the chance.

Now when it came to game play, I had no trouble at all with the pouch,
I tried both ways of securing the pouch with the velcro itself and the bungue cord,
NOT once did it fall off, I was running around, crawling through bushes on my hands and knees and walking between bushes and trees , It didn't get caught up or anything,
When it came to opening the pouch I only had the need to open it at the beginning of the day, at lunch time to check my battery and then when home to take it out. there was no need to play with it as it's just to hold my battery
I never had the problem of it pulling the actual pouch off. The whole concept of it being a battery pouch n just holding my power bank is great.

All in all it worked great, I had some great feed back and it worked.

Credit: @windymassiveuk, 1TG

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