What to say about OneTigris® Netted Modular Airsoft Vest!? In beginning I was skeptic how it will perform on field because it is very lightweight and thought it will not do its function. First problem occurred was that vest molle wasn’t compatible with standard molle and there was problems how to put molle pouches on vest. Managed to do it but with vest deformed because it is smaller gaps than standard molle.
I used it as a sniper player and for snipers it is important to be lightweight. Attached 3 pouches for spare magazines for sniper and added also pistol holster from OneTigris on front part of vest. Pistol is ICS BLE and not light so I thought it will be problem with that setup. There wasn’t problem with setup like this and I liked because vest is tight fit to your body and doesn’t wobble around when you are running.
Vest netting from back is good if you want to use ghillie or to even make it on back side of vest.
If you want to get this vest and use it for your assault rifle…don’t! It won’t be able to withstand load of your accessories and probably you will have big problems to get all attached because of bad molle. This is something what need to be fixed asap.
Other problem which I had is that vest zipper is not good because during running I almost lost vest. Zipper was almost unzipped until end so it is also problem. Solved it on way that I fixed zipper on top with carabineer.
- Molle webbings need to be completely redone and made in standard
- Zipper
Overall I am satisfied with vest but there is few things to improve. My rating because of big problem with molle and zipper is 6/10 and if that will be fixed this netted vest would be good for airsoft snipers. Breathable and lightweight is big difference when you play on hot fields and have ton of gear to wear.
Credit: @CRO_Spiro, 1TG